Jason’s VINO is an independent wine critic web-site run by Jason LIU who is based in Taipei, TAIWAN (E-mail: Jasonycl@hotmail.com). As an independent wine writer and wine critic, Jason has earned himself the Diplome de Sommelier Conseil in Université du Vin Château de Suze-La Rousse, France in 2001-2002. He has published his first wine book “Legends of Grand Domains Vol.1” in 2009, then followed “ Legends of Grand Domains Vol.2” (2011), “ Legends of Grand Domains Vol.3 ” (2015). Another books not so vinous: Sommelier's Pursuit of Honeys (2006), Honey: Sommelier’s Pursuit of Golden Nectar (2017).
Jason also provides (or has provided) articles for several magazines, including Decanter Chinese version , Art Investment, Vintage-Luxe magazine and iCheers wine web-site etc., and has translated books as following: It must’ve been something I ate (by Steingarten, 2007), The World Atlas of Wine (version 6th and 7th by H. Johnson , 2008 & 2015, Co-translation) , Les Secrets de la Casserole (by Hervé This, 2010) , Leçons de Dégustation (by Bettane & Desseauve,2012), Ma Première Dégustation (Hachette, 2017) , Les Cépages (Hachette, 2017) and 35 Questions sur la Biodynamie (Antoine Lepetit de la Bigne, 2017).
Other professional experiences: Invited journalist for Le Primeur Tasting in Bordeaux (2005 Vintage), jury for Vinitaly’s International Wine Competition in 2007 & 2008. Languages spoken: French, English, Chinese, Taiwanese and very basic Italian, Spanish.
本網站為Jason LIU(劉永智)所主持的獨立葡萄酒評論以及相關文章網站。Jason於法國須日拉廬斯葡萄酒大學(Université du Vin, Château de Suze-la-Rousse)獲得顧問侍酒師文憑(Sommelier Conseil),曾於多家專業葡萄酒進口商服務多年,也常獲邀主持品酒會,更多次應邀於國際酒展中擔任評審。其人好酒嗜食,對飲食背後的意涵、來處、轉折和品賞極有熱情;以「飲食之道」觀天下,頗自得其樂。
現為葡萄酒暨飲食自由作家,文章散見《品醇客》、《商業週刊》、《富豪人生》、《典藏投資》等雜誌。著作:《頂級酒莊傳奇》、《頂級酒莊傳奇2》、《頂級酒莊傳奇3》(積木文化)、《覓蜜,一個侍酒師的蜂蜜追尋》(秋雨)、《品蜜》(積木)。譯作:《舌尖上的嘉年華》(二魚出版社)、《鍋裡的秘密》(積木)、《葡萄酒的31堂必修課:喚醒你與生俱來的品酒天賦》(積木)、《看圖學品飲》(積木)、《看圖學品種》(積木)以及《生物動力法35問》(積木);合譯《世界葡萄酒地圖》(第六與第七版,積木)。審校:《百萬紅酒傳奇》(馬可波羅)、《時髦女性的社交品酒入門》(瑞麗美人)、《世界葡萄酒指南》(積木)、《Hugh Johnson葡萄酒隨身寶典2013》(積木)。